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Shalva Inal-ipa “Abkhazian etiquette”

Shalva Inal-ipa “Abkhazian etiquette” Oleg Shamba, Roger Jesse, Galina Jesse, Timur Pachulia

Shalva Denisovich Inal-ipa was born on October 20th, 1916 in Abkhazia. He studied in Moscow at philosophical and historical faculties, and subsequently graduated with an honours diploma from the historical faculty of Sukhum University. Inal-ipa started his labour activity as a journalist, combining this work with a postgraduate study of history topics. Shalva Inal-ipa’s scientific merits were honoured by titles and awards, and in 1993 he was selected as an honorary member of the Adyg International Academy of Sciences.
A considerable part of his scientific heritage is occupied by works in the field of literary criticism and the history of literature. Inal-ipa’s great efforts were devoted to the popularisation of science, to educational publications, and the writing of textbooks and provision of educational grants. He worked intensively in the field of translation.
The published heritage of this academician is extremely significant and valuable.
The subjects which were invariably interesting to Shalva Inal-ipa were connected with ethnic and psychological aspects of mass consciousness. These were especially shown clearly and at great depth in his works connected with the study of behavioural norms of Abkhazian etiquette. In detail, having described a variety of behavioural stereotypes, analyzing their functional role and ideological loading, Inal-ipa considered the behavioural features of etiquette as the major basis of the national life and ethnic culture of Abkhazians.
In spite of the fact that a fire destroyed a huge part of his scientific archive, Inal-ipa left to his descendants an invaluable and ingenious heritage which forever will remain the strong foundation of the historical and ethnographic study of Abkhazia.
Колчество страниц: 70
Год издания: 2010
Издательство: Abkhazian State University
Город издания: Сухум
Количество просмотров: 478
Кафедра: История и теория международных отношений
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Shalva Inal-ipa “Abkhazian etiquette”
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