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Системы классификации: ББК и УДК;
Поиск по дисциплинам университета.

Computer security student’s book

Computer security student’s book Galina Jesse

The aim of the Computer security course is to introduce students to the basic
concepts of up-to-date
a) information security ideas,
b) basic models of access to information,
c) the main types of information attacks and destabilizing information influences,
d) typical vulnerabilities in hardware and software systems,
e) some legal security issues in information systems and technologies.
After finishing their part of the course, students prepare a report on a subject agreed
with the teacher, and during the test lesson they orally present their work and answer
questions related to the course.

The material used was prepared by Galina Jesse, Senior Lecturer of the Abkhazian
State University, Sukhum

Editor: Adgur Kapba, Chief of the Department of Applied Mathematics and
Computer Science of the Mathematics and Physics Faculty, Associate Professor
of the Abkhazian State University, Sukhum
Колчество страниц: 53
Год издания: 2021
Издательство: Abkhazian State University
Город издания: Sukhum
ISBN: 978-5-166-84-11021
Количество просмотров: 332
Кафедра: Прикладная математика и информатика
Скачать: pdf;
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